Thursday, May 15, 2008

What you must know when considering a reverse osmosis water system.

The reverse osmosis water system was originally designed for large scale operations, but now, companies are promoting reverse osmosis water systems for home use. In the majority of cases, they are not the right choice.

Basically, a reverse osmosis water system works by forcing water under high pressure through a “membrane”. The size of the pores in the membrane determines what contaminants will be filtered out. Larger particles are easily removed. For smaller, microscopic particles, the system is highly ineffective.

Most people need filters in there home for better tasting and safer drinking water, as well as cleaner healthier shower water. In fact, filtered water is better for things as simple as washing clothes and doing the dishes. But, the particles that make tap water unsafe are mostly microscopic chemical compounds.
One of the biggest problems with tap water is the chlorine content. One reason that water treatment facilities use chlorine is to protect their reverse osmosis water system membranes from rot and algae growth.

So, it’s obvious that reverse osmosis water systems do not remove chlorine or anything with a molecular size similar to chlorine. In order to block those chemicals, you need a micron filter and an activated carbon filter. Each one removes different contaminants from tap water.
Some drinking water filters contain only activated carbon. That’s okay for blocking some of the chlorine and improving the taste to a certain extent, but it’s not the safest choice. A multi-stage filtration system containing both micron filters, activated carbon and additional systems to balance pH and mineral content are the best and safest choices. And, they are not that expensive. They typically cost less than a reverse osmosis water system.

Mineral content is another concern. Trace minerals found naturally in ground water are good for your health. Water is one of the best sources of potassium and other minerals. Reverse osmosis water systems were designed to de-mineralize water. In industries such as film processing, it is necessary to have de-mineralized water. Instead of using distilled water, large companies have installed a reverse osmosis water system to take care of their needs.

Research has shown that drinking distilled or de-mineralized water is bad for the digestive system. The long-term health consequences are unknown. The portable reverse osmosis water systems that companies are promoting for in-home use were designed for military units and individuals traveling in rural areas with no source of acceptable drinking water. For most of us, the water that comes out of our tap is considered “acceptable”, because it won’t cause diarrhea or cholera, like river water could.

Portable reverse osmosis water systems are also a good idea in hurricane damaged areas, until public water treatment facilities are able to get back on-line. With certain attachments, reverse osmosis water systems can be used to desalinize water. So, if you were trapped on a desert island, it would be good thing to have one. Otherwise, you want a different system.

cosmetics from pure, organic food grade ingredients. All of the ingredients are Soil Association certified as is the entire range of products. The range was developed by Dr. Mariano Spiezia who trained as an orthodox doctor and was looking for more holistic treatments and traditional ways of making cosmetic preparations to help alleviate the various skin conditions of his patients. The products are made by hand in Cornwall and are a mix of sun-infused flowers, herbs and oils. No synthetic ingredients are used. The range is suitable for vegetarians and has never been tested on animals. Products are highly concentrated and long-lasting.

Thank you by James Carol and http:///


100+ acne cures
Acne is a common problem in adolescents and young adults. Acne is one of the misfortunes of adolescence. While most people suffering from acne do not experience any kind of physical discomfort, some do experience psychological scarring. Around 85 percent of people between the ages of 12 and 24 are affected by acne. Acne usually subsides after adolescence, but may last into middle age. Although commonly associated with adolescence, this is a condition that can erupt at any time, and particularly when your body undergoes hormonal changes such as during pregnancy. Acne can also be commonly found in young infants in the first one to two months of life. This form of acne, called neonatal acne, is thought to be caused by a temporary increase in hormone levels just before and after birth.
Acne is a disorder resulting from the action of hormones on the skin's oil glands (sebaceous glands), which leads to plugged pores and outbreaks of lesions commonly called pimples, or more scientifically, vulgaris. Some people call it blackheads, blemishes, whiteheads, or zits. Acne lesions usually occur on the face, neck, back, chest, and shoulders. Acne is not just a problem at the surface of the skin. Acne bacteria are just the symptoms and you need to remove the cause of the disease. Acne is a skin disorder associated with one and all. It knows no discrimination on the basis of creed or color.
Acne fulminans is the rapid onset of severe, inflammatory acne, often accompanied by fever, arthralgia, and bone diathesis. The triad of severe acne, hidradenitis suppurativa, and dissecting cellulitis of the scalp may require aggressive treatment.
Acne conglobata (AC) is an uncommon and unusually severe form of acne characterized by burrowing and interconnecting abscesses and irregular scars (both keloidal and atrophic), often producing pronounced disfigurement. The comedones often occur in a group of 2 or 3, and cysts contain foul-smelling seropurulent material that returns after drainage.
Acne also has nothing to do with poor hygiene. Acne is not caused by dirt or surface skin oils. The best approach to hygiene and acne : Gently wash your face twice a day with a mild soap, pat dry--and use an appropriate acne treatment for the acne. Acne is influenced by several factors, many of which are out of your control. However, the way you treat your skin does play an important role.
Acne skin care products can cause severe allergic reactions in patients who are sensitized to their ingredients. These ingredients can have some rather unpleasant side effects and one must weight the benefits of using such products against their potential drawbacks. Acne vulgaris is the most common form of the condition. Acne vulgaris is what most people think of when they think of spots and zits.
Acne scars can definitely become more serious if it is not taken care of in the moderate stage. Therefore, it is very important to try to resolve acne as soon as you can. You should consult with a dermatologist if your acne is severe.
Thank you by dennis white